Thursday, March 27, 2014


This article titled "History Of Snowboarding" by a man named Rob Daniels tells the reader a brief recap of known history of snowboarding. From a prospective start in the 1920's where someone named Jack Burchette fashioned a poor snowboard out of a plank of wood and slid down a hill to the first snowboard friendly park in Vermont in the 1980's. I love how it tells us all the wins snowboarding has had in its short uprising this late century, about 15 years apart were no snowboarding being allowed anywhere to it being certified as an Olympic sport, making it into the Olympics was a major victory for snowboarding as it created an image of actual official competition and begun to dissipate the stereotype of only skaters or reckless people participating the sport.

No sport on record has become so worldwide popular this fast, Daniels predicts that it will become more popular than skiing by the year 2015,, which I think has already happened but perhaps he means the world. He mentions when it became nationwide in the 80's thanks to Jake Burton Carpenter's redesign of the modern snowboard with bindings to strap in your feet in allowing you to ricks and go down in deeper powder and harder slopes than you would've ever tried with the Velcro like flaps they had before. And a video made in 1996, told and showed us all the marvelous tricks and stunts we could achieve in snowboarding, brought in a whole new flock of boarders in, people who wanted to perform these feats soon appeared, young to old, athletic to couch patties, everyone wanted to try this new up and coming winter sport. Daniels has accurately written down a short collaboration of all of snowboarding’s wins for anyone with twenty minutes to spare to read it.   

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